Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I Stink, I know

So yes, we have been back now for over a week and I still haven't updated much. But I promise I will tell you all about my trip. That is when I get the urge to, like I don't feel too lazy to type, etc. Recently I went through all the photos on our computer so for now here are some fun pics for you to see: yeeeah, ok nevermind. All those pictures are on our other computer which is not here at the moment. Ok so you'll just have to keep checking in!

I am once again editing this post... I found the pics in a folder so here's to my luck in uploading them on here! Can you tell which child is which on some of these?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Out of town...

Alright, I am finally here to update my blog. To hear about my weekend just go and read Trish's blog. She summed it up pretty good. But honestly, I am not sure why she had to post so many pictures of me and honestly, yes honestly, I have gained about 10 pounds since I got here. That is what a three week vacation with no jazzercise will do to you. Once I return home I am sure that I will have lots of stories to update you with and lots of weight to lose! For the next few days we will be spending lots of time with Anthony- he is having too much fun with his nephues for us to leave now. Hope everyone is having a great week- it just keeps getting hotter and hotter here and these are the days I wish I was near a beach and without a gazillion mosquitoes!