Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can it get any worse???

Today was another one of "those" days. Funny, it seems like I have been having more than less of those lately. Last night I finally decided to go to bed at about midnight. As I was turning out all the lights Devan woke up. Great. I decided I was much too tired to get him back in his bed so he ended up in my room for the night. Finally at about 12:30 I got to sleep. Then in the morning I am awoken by Coleson, who is throwing a fit because he wants in my bed. So I look at the clock... 5:04am. Great. I tried to go back to sleep, but it didn't happen. See Coleson was determined to go to bed with a bag of shells. Of course he still had them when he woke up! And all I heard was this annoying bag of shells for an hour. I tried to take them away but he screamed and I didn't want Devan or Greyson awake that early so he won. Finally a little after 6am I got to sleep for about 45 minutes. It was Devan's early day of school so I had no choice but to get up at 7 because we had to be out the door by 7:45am. I am so glad he has afternoon kindergarten every other day of the week! So being out the door by 7:45 consists of all three kids dressed, Devan's shoes and socks on- a war because he only likes his flip flops, fighting with Devan to eat breakfast, Coleson and Greyson somewhat fed, three to five sippy cups of milk poured, a lunch packed, and the "shuttle folder" signed and in a backpack ready to return. And mom looking half way decent since she has to walk Devan to class. Doesn't sound like much but it is. Especially when you have three different children with their own idea of how the morning should go.
So anyway, we get out the door and my low tire pressure light is on. When we get to school I take a look and don't notice anything. So I took it to Walmart assuming there was a nail or something stuck in it. After two hours at Walmart (with Coleson and Greyson) they determined there wasn't anything wrong with it and they recommend taking it to the dealership to find out why the light is coming on. A brand new 2008 Honda Odessy, I wasn't expecting something like this to come up so soon. So not such a bad day so far. The boys were actually really good in the store.
Here is where the adventure begins: I come upstairs from taking a shower to find Coelson with four sticks of butter all unwrapped and lined up on the carpet in front of the TV with a ginormis bottle of ranch. What goes through this child's head? Greyson was sleeping so no trouble there. I go finish getting ready and this time when I come upstairs Coleson has the big metal kitchen stool out and he is trying to get into something in the freezer. So I take the stool away and he throws a fit. Somewhere in all this the stool drops (its a fold up one) and lands on my toe. Ouch! No biggy, just a lot of pain right? Wrong. It landed on my toe that is fractured and further, it is now broken. It's on my right foot and somehow I managed to drive to school to pick up Devan and back. Of course it feels like my whole foot is broken! But its not. So then I call my dad hoping he'd feel sorry for me. I complain that I'm not even 30 and I'm falling apart. In a previous post I mentioned a shoulder injury, turns out I dislocated my rib and severity stretched the tendon. So all that popping I heard for two days was my tendon popping over the bone every time I moved. So I tell my Dad: First this mystery with my feet, months of appts at a podiatrist, an MRI, a fractured toe, two other swollen bones, not sure why, a messed up rib, back and shoulder, and now this. His words of encouragement were, "You think it's bad now, wait until you're 50 then you'll really be falling apart." Thanks Dad. I now have so much to look forward to.
But wait it gets better! Later on I get brave enough to fold a load of laundry. I hear Greyson calling "Momma" from his room. There is absolutely nothing in his room he could get into. Nothing. Unless you count him emptying out his drawers but that is easy to clean up. So then a few minutes later Devan comes walking in and very casually says, "Mom, Greyson has poop on him." So I figure he got his diaper off again. I go to his room to find him sitting on the floor lathered from head to toe in his poop. Again. GROSS!!!!! Is there such a thing as putting in a two weeks notice from holding the position of Mom? After a bath I still can't keep his diaper on. Only jeans work but its much too warm for them. I finally put a pair of underwear over his diaper and he did have a hard time getting that off. A friend suggested duct tape. Doesn't sound like a bad idea right now! Finally the evening came and went and now all kids are asleep! I now have lots of time to wash the 15 towels they used after their bath and time to vacuum a few bowls worth of popcorn that ended up covering my living room floor while I was helping Devan with his homework. At least it is oh so quiet.


Tricia said...

Your life is so entertaining. Just think all this before your thirty. Just think what the next decade will be. Roasting marshmellows on the stove, maybe I should teach them how to do that.

Erica said...

Sorry about your crappy day...sure makes you treasure the good ones.
As far as taking off diapers is my best advice. Buy or get an old pair of footed pajamas. Cut the feet off. Put them on backwards. He can't unzip or pull diaper off. Works like a charm and requires no duct tape!!

thecamps said...

that's a good idea Erica or I was going to say put a pull up on he might have a less chance getting that off than the diapers.. but i also agree with trish your life is so entertaining..i can't begin to imagine the poop thing I would PUKE!! but good luck mama

Tricia said...

I need new reading material, please update.