Sunday, February 8, 2009

Rainy Days

I have to admit I used to love the rain. It was nice back in the day when you didn't have to do much in it but go to work and then just relax listening to it. Hauling around three kids in the rain is definitely another story! Especially when they are three little boys who have to measure the depth of every puddle they see! Rain is also so scarce here that I have almost become afraid to drive in it! Despite the gloomy weather we've managed to still have a little fun and relax; jazzercise is great rain or shine, one day we went to McDonalds to the indoor play land (I know there has to be better places around here but it was a fun quick trip while Devan was in school), we had play dates with a few friends and lots of hangin' out. This afternoon the boys were in the dining room building a fort. Well, at least that's what they were supposed to be doing. The fort lasted for a little while and then this is what I noticed:

Can you you guess what they are up to?

This is how Greyson was getting up.

Greyson apparently has no fear of jumping off my kitchen table!

Yesterday I went to a baby shower and my friend that had been watching the boys was so kind to let me trash her living room floor and make another cake. I threw this one together really fast, couldn't remember if she was having a boy or girl, and figured it being February the chocolate theme was appropriate. And what expectant mother doesn't enjoy a little chocolate?

Coco has been sick the last couple days, poor little guy (that would be Coleson. Greyson can't pronounce his name yet so calls him Coco. It's so cute! We call Greyson Gus Gus. Just watch Cindarella and you'll understand). He's doing a lot better today. I would say that eating like you had 6 stomachs, fighting with your brothers and running all over the place is a sure sign of improved health! Now we'll just have to see what kind of weather we get the next couple days...


eric and girls said...

You would not survive my weather, you would never leave the house. I love the rain, the smell of it, the fact I really never do my hair it just goes flat. I was wondering if I could have a diaper cake? I am sure it would ship nice and my chocolate of choice right now is Little Debbie brownie snacks.

Darcy Case said...

Jen, that "cake" looks great. I love it, I wish you were closer I would have you make one, for any baby shower I went too, too cute!

eric and girls said...

Maybe you should pray for a rainy day again so you have a chance to update!!!!!