Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Trip to Nauvoo

Do you ever go on vacations and return only to find that it takes twice the time of your vacation to get things back to "normal"? A couple weeks ago I was able to take a trip and it was amazing! I mean really amazing! My awesome Dad, Steve and Becky stayed here with the three boys and had a blast together. On the way to LAX at 4am Sunday morning, with only 2 hrs of sleep the two previous nights, I was beginning to wonder if this trip was such a good idea. But then once I landed and got to the hotel, had a good lunch and a three hour nap, I realized it was one of the best ideas I had ever had!
My week started by flying into St.Louis Missouri on Sunday. Then later that night my mom flew in. The next morning we started our trek to Carthage and Nauvoo, Illinois. I wondered if there would be enough to do spending two days there and after visiting, I could have stayed a week! It was such a neat experience and heartbreaking at the same time. I can't wait to go back again! Tuesday night was our last night there and we were able to see the Pageant. By the time we left I wasn't sure if I'd be able to sit through another show but they were all so well worth it!
Wednesday morning I met up with some girls from Monterey and spent the next four days at PartyLite's National Conference. Many long days and short nights but so much fun! So if you're in need of candles or spa treatment, or gifts, visit my link I know its still far away, but we just launched our Fall & Holiday catalog and I feel like its the holiday season already! I love PartyLite! Can you tell my brain has been succumbed to nothing but PartyLite the last two weeks?? Anyway, I flew back home Sunday afternoon and was so grateful for the break but so grateful to see my three little guys again!
While Mom was away the boys had way too much fun with Grandpa! They went to SeaWorld, the beach, parks, the movies, had donut day, swimming, it doesn't seem like their list ended. One morning I was talking to Devan and he told me all about the special breakfast Grandpa had made- pancakes with chocolate chips. So guess what mom had to make the second day she was back , just because that's the way Grandpa does it! So this last week was all about recuperating. It took a few days to mentally snap back into I think. Thanks again, Dad, for all your help! Can't wait to do it again next year when conference is in Atlanta!

The Nauvoo temple

Walking down Parley Street

My friends gave me such a hard time for not going up in the arch with them. Being in a peanut sized pod touching knees with four other people, no air, four and a half minutes up then three down, no thank you! This is a person who is terrified of elevators! Do you think I'd even consider going up there? I'm sure it was a great view though.

I had to take a picture of the sky for Devan. Not sure how much he remembers from his last trip in a plane.


Tricia said...

It looks like you had a really fun trip. Away from everything for a little alone time just for you. Way to escape.

Erica said...

What an awesome trip! I wish I could getaway with my mommy!! Such a fabulous idea.