Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Big Fat Feast

This weekend I am privileged to be home with no one but myself. Yes, I did say privilege! Tim has the weekend off so he and the boys went to visit his parents. I would love to have gone but I have a PartyLite show scheduled for this evening and its the hostesses starter show so it is not a show I could reschedule- especially with one days notice. So I had this great idea this morning that I would go to the temple. No kids, no need to find a babysitter, what a wonderful opportunity! Well Jen doesn't always connect things and it happens to be that the temple is closed today due to conference. Of course it is. So I spent the morning cleaning house and I mean really cleaning house. It is AMAZING how much cleaning I can get done without little children nearby and without any interruption! Finally this afternoon when I was ready to go out to run some errands, I decided the granola bar I had eaten at 7:45am for breakfast was long out of my system and I was starving. At 2:15 I arrived at The Olive Garden, one of my favorite restaurants. I was seated to a table all of my own, obviously, and the feast began. I started off with a bowl of salad, of which I completed, a basket of four bread sticks with a side of Alfredo sauce, of which I completed, followed by a Tour of Italy- Chicken Parmesan, Fetuchine Alfredo, meat and cheese lasagna, of which I completed all except about a quarter of the lasagna. Then of course I had one and a half glasses of lemonade. I had no idea I had worked up such a hearty appetite and I wonder if my waiter was thinking how can this lady pack away all this food!! Well now my tummy is stuffed and several more inches wider than it was when I entered the restaurant, and I'm ready for a nap. Sadly the nap won't happen because I am obsessive compulsive and probably will not rest until every inch of my house is sparkling. But soon I will have my family home to live in and untidy all my work. But I just see this as one of the joys of motherhood, and wouldn't trade it for anything.


eric and girls said...

That sounds yummy. I am on a diet and that sounds really yummy. But hooray for getting the house clean.

Bonnie said...

Oh that sounds delicious!! I'm so glad that you had a nice relaxing time!