Friday, April 4, 2008

It's about time!

Do you ever look at the clock and think to yourself, "What?! Is it only (whatever time it is)?!" Well that was me all day today. Since Devan didn't have school this morning we thought we'd get a jump on the day by going to jazzercise at 8:15 instead of 9:30. Wait, I smell poop, be right back...
Right when I was thinking nothing eventful has happened today the moment proved me wrong. Coleson is now in the bathtub and I will leave the rest of his story at that. When I entered the bathroom to put him in the tub I was greeted by an inch of water on the floor from the boys bath this afternoon. Yes my children bathe several times a day. Then I found Greyson on the floor in my room sucking on a container of lip gloss. And still, is it only five o'clock. Well as I started in my first paragraph, we figured we'd get an early start on things since we were up and didn't have to be at Preschool by 8:30 (but really we are never there until 8:40). Usually when this happenes I get so much more accomplished than in a normal day and I feel so great at the end of today. Today I was ready to order pizza for dinner, put the kids in jammies and send them to bed. I was thinking ok its about 4:30 so by the time the "pizza guy" comes etc. we will be close to bed time. Well my friends, it was only 2:15. What was I thinking? Somehow we have managed to get through to five o'clock and only a couple more hours until bedtime! I am looking forward to tomorrow as I will spend the entire day cleaning my house top to bottom.


eric and girls said...

Oh my Jen what a busy day you had. At least you will feel better after you have pizza and of course a glass of milk. Hope tomorrow you are able to accomplish what you want.

John and Carolyn Wallace said...

brings back memories. events to laugh at years from now. glad you liked tricia's movie. hope the rest of your day was less eventful. sweet dreams.

Bonnie said...

Oh wow, gotta love those days! When time just stands still. I hope you have a better day tomorrow that goes by smoother!